
admin 体育热点 2024-03-09 57 0

The Factional Relationships in English Premier League Clubs

Politics is not relegated to just the government. It is present in sports too. The Premier League clubs are not only engaged in a competitive sport, but they are also enmeshed in a complicated web of politics, power, and relationships.

The Old Guard vs. The New Wave

The ongoing power struggle between the Old Guard and the New Wave is something to behold. The Old Guard represents the elite, who have always been in charge of the club and its operations. The New Wave, on the other hand, is comprised of young and ambitious individuals who seek to shake things up and introduce new ideas.

The Old Guard is known for its conservative approach, which sometimes hampers growth and progress. The New Wave, on the other hand, is not afraid of trying out new things, even if they may fail. This clash of ideologies is what creates the factional divide in the clubs.

The Boardroom Drama

Boardroom drama is a significant player in the factional relationships within the Premier League clubs. The Board of Directors is where the power is held, and it is here that factions and cliques form. The Board can be split into two factions: the footballing faction and business faction.

The footballing faction is primarily concerned with the day-to-day operations of the club relating to the sport, such as player transfers, team selection, and manager appointments. The business faction, on the other hand, is concerned with the commercial and financial aspects of the club.

The footballing faction is usually supportive of the Old Guard, while the business faction tends to favor the New Wave. This split creates a power struggle in the club, where each faction seeks to impose its will on the board.

The Fans

The fans are an essential part of any football club. They are the lifeblood that fuels the team and helps drive it to success. The fans, too, have their own factions and cliques, which can play a major role in shaping the club's future.


The fans' factions can be aligned with different ideologies, as seen with Arsenal and their fanbase. The Arsenal fanbase has been divided into two factions: the Arsene Wenger supporters and the Arsene Wenger out supporters. Both factions have different views on the direction the club should take, and this has created division amongst the fans.

The Future of Factions in the Premier League

Factions and power struggles are here to stay in the Premier League clubs. As long as politics and power remain in the sports industry, factions will continue to form. However, these factions need not always be negative – they can also create a healthy competition that drives the team to success.

In conclusion, the factions and relationships within the Premier League clubs are important and cannot be ignored. Understanding these factions can help in predicting the club's direction and progression or even in identifying the reasons behind a club's success or failure.